nouvelle jaquette
Tout d'abord, Ryo Mito, nous fait donc parvenir sa joie d'avoir autant de fans qui aiment ses jeux DBZ, et il les remercie grandement. Il espère donc bien ravir d'autant plus les fans qui joueront à DBZ Tenkaichi 3 sur Wii avec le nouveau mode Online qui sera plus que jouissif. Vous pourrez enfin vous comparer aux meilleurs joueurs du monde !
Ryo Mito nous annonce aussi que l'avancement du jeu est estimé à 90% et nous affirme
que " le produit arrivera en temps et en heure. "
Le mode histoire; celui-ci a été totalement revu et ne ressemble en aucun cas à ses prédécéceurs. Vous pourrez donc avec plusieurs "branches" possibles pour évoluer dans l'Histoire de DBZ, cela dépendera de vos combats. En gros, chaque combat sera déterminant et pourra changer le court de l'Histoire !!! De plus, le temps de jeu à été revu, en effet, au niveau du développement actuel, il faut une bonne soixantaine d'heures pour terminer le jeu.
Par la suite, Ray Detwiler (le rédacteur) pose une excellente question : " Nous savons qu'il y a des différences entre DBZ : BT2 et Tenkaichi 3, mais pouvez nous nous dire quelles sont les principales différences ? " Et Ryo Mito lui répond : " Les principales ? ... Juste beaucoup ". C'est donc, qu'elles sont toutes importantes !!!
Maintenant, pour le gameplay; sur Wii, il sera maintenant beaucoup plus simple de se déplacer. Vous n'utiliserez plus la Wii Mote pour vous déplacer mais le joystick de la Nunchuk, c'est plus simple.
Pour le Mode Disc-Fusion, vous débloquerez des modes de jeu des Tenkaichi précédents tel que "Combat des 100 Guerriers" de Tenkaichi 1 et "Combat Ultime" de Tenkaichi 2 dans son Tenkaichi 3.
Tous les graphismes ont aussi été revu pour une plus grande fidélité avec l'anime. En effet, les attaques ont été nettement revu pour que les fans aient l'impression de revoir l'anime. De plus, chaque personnage aura ses propres expressions (visages, paroles ...).
Les transformations on aussi été revu pour que l'on sente un réel changement lors d'une transformation.
Les combats seront plus dynamiques et plus rapides !
Du grand changement aussi pour les niveaux ! En effet, il n'y aura plus d'évolution Z pour tenter d'atteindre le niveau 160. Vous recevrez tout au long du jeu, des "Points Z" qui feront progresser votre perso (à la manière de Budokai 3). Cependant, Ryo Mito ne donne pas de limite pour les évolutions ... surprise.
D'après Ryo Mito, "les plus belles attaques sont celles de Goku Gt, qui est le personnage le plus fort de l'anime, et qui l'est donc aussi dans le jeu. "
Au niveau des fusions, il y aura quelques nouveautés ... des fusions que nous ne voyons pas dans l'anime Sympa non ?
Il existait aussi une rumeur comme quoi il y avait 3 personnages complètment inédits et nouveaux dont on n'avait eu aucunes nouvelles, Ryo Mito le confirme en rajoutant qu'il existait en fait, plus de 3 persos totalement inédits !!! Là encore, surprise !
Les Géants de DBZ Tenkaichi 3 ont eux aussi, été revu. En effet, les gorilles ou autres ne seront apparement, plus aussi lent que la dernière fois.
Je vais peut-être vous décevoir, mais, à propos de la création de personnage, Ryo Mito nous fait savoir que le mode "Z Point" dont je vous ai expliqué le système tout à l'heure, ferait partie de la création d'un perso ...
Voilà, j'espère que mon petit résumé vous a plu
Sur ce, je vous souhaite une très bonne journée sur DBZ-T3 !
Voilà maintenant pour les mordus, l'interview complète.
Citation :
Wii-volution sat down with Ryo Mito, Producer of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 for the very first interview over this highly anticipated game. Almost every possible question about DBZ:BT3 is answered by Ryo himself and we'd like to thank him again for the great news! Check out this excerpt we have for you before you get into the meat of the article:
"Our most asked question by nearly every single person who submitted interview questions was about online play. What, if any, online features will we see? Will there be multiplayer, or some type of rankings system in the new BT3?
Yes. The On Line battle system will be featured on Wii version. The player will be able to battle others via Wi-Fi connection."
We'd first like to thank you for giving us the privilege of this first interview on the much anticipated Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3. I've gone ahead and composed a list of questions our readers wanted to hear the most, and I appreciate the time taken to answer them. So without further adieu, onto the interview:
We’d like to thank you for being a great fan of Dragon Ball Z and our game!! We’ll answer your questions as much as possible!!
So, hows development of DBZ:BT3 coming along? Has it been smooth sailing so to speak?
The DBZ games are always a blast to work on, because of so many reasons. So far, we’re moving along just fine and are really looking forward to bringing the fans the biggest and best installment of DBZ yet.
Can you tell us what stage of development you're currently in?
We would say 90%. It’s been a really blast / crazy time over the years. But we’ll bring the product to the US market on time!!
So how about the story-line - Can we have a brief introduction to the BT3 story and will there be any story-arcs that weren't featured in the anime?
The story mode of Tenkaichi 3 will be totally different from its predecessors. The player will have a different story branch on the result of their fight or even during the battle. You may expect to see more story branching and/or even “What if” story in the story mode!!
At this point in development, roughly how many hour of game play are we looking at from start to finish?
We would say at least 60 hours for the game play.
We know there are vast improvements over DBZ:BT2, so what are the major differences between Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3?
The major differences… Just a lot!!
All the graphics and character models have been totally refined, a different story mode, and of course the number of characters and stages has been dramatically increased!
Also we’ve made big improvement on controls, especially on Wii, we’ve decided not using a pointing device, now the controller is taking the motion sensor. So the player can control their favorite characters as they like, more intuitive action!!
Another big difference is that Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Wii has an On-Line feature that allow players battle against others via on-line. On the other hand, PS2 version has a special mode what we call D.F.S (Disc Fusion System.) In that mode, the player is able to enjoy the Ultimate battle mode from the previous Tenkaichi 1 and Tenkaichi 2 on their Tenkaichi 3 game system.
How about the graphical improvements in BT3? Can you explain some of the new effect and graphics we'll see in this game?
Sure. For example, the effect of special attacks/moves has been improved. They have been drawn in more details. The attacks and moves have a shadow and it makes the movement more like original anime. Also the graphics in the game is getting more closer to the original cartoon, so the players may have experience that as they’re moving their favorite characters in the anime scene!
Can you describe some of the new changes to the fighting system, and in particular how character transformations according to the moon affect the players look and fighting techniques?
Speed and battle tempo!!!
Also in the previous game, the character could transform to the other forms in any places.
If the character is a Saiyan, he/she needs to have a full moon to transform to Giant Ape. In this game, in order for Saiyan to transform to Giant Ape the battle field has to be at night time!! The transformation system will imitate the original anime series.
Will transformations play a bigger role in battling than in BT2?
We’ve made adjustments to how transformations will happen in the game, as well as how each character’s fight adjusts as a result. We think fans will be pleased with the additions.
Has any changes been made to the level up system? In BT2 the highest power level per each character was lvl 160, will this be the same level cap for Budokai Tenkaichi 3?
In this game, the character does not level up. Instead, we’ll have a totally new system called “Z Point.” This is the point the player receives, and it tells player the number of items that the character can carry. If you get more Z Point, you’ll be able to carry more Z-Items so that the power of the character increases.
We're all very interested in the new fighting techniques mentioned. Can you describe your favorite or most spectacular methods of pummeling the enemy in BT3?
I like to beat up enemies by using speed / powerful combo with GT Goku.
He is the strongest character in the original anime, so he does in the game.
Will fusion see any new changes? Such as new character fusions, or different methods?
Yes. There will be a lot more fusion characters, and some of the fusion you can’t see in the original cartoon/ anime. Please enjoy!
Will there be any new game play modes that weren't available in BT2?
Definitely!! For example, the Wii version will have On-Line battle system!!
Is it true that there will be three completely new characters that we've never seen before? If so, would you mind sharing any with us?
Actually there will be more than three!! For any additional new character reveals, please go visit
Will the giant characters(Great Aes, Hildeegrn, Jannempa, etc.) be faster or have more combo's than BT2?
Yes. You will see the changes!!
Can you give us a glimpse on some of the new stages that will be available in BT3?
Desert stages! All the stages are from original cartoon, and you may enjoy just fining the secret obstacles or building in the stages. Lookfor Yamccha’s hiding place!!!
Will the stages be any larger than the ones contained in BT2 and to what extent will players be able to interact with the environment?
The size of the battle stages will be the same as BT2 battle stages. However the graphics will be more detailed.
How destructible will the environments be in Dragon Bal Z: Buddkai Tenkaaichi 3?
Of course there will be destructible environments in the stages. They make your battle even more exciting!!
Some of our viewers were wondering if there would be some type of character creation system, do you have plans for this in BT3?
Yes. We’ll have “Z Point” system. By gathering Z Point through the battle, the number of Z-Item that can be worm increases. It’s part of character creation!
Our most asked question by nearly every single person who submitted interview questions was about online play. What, if any, online features will we see? Will ther be multipllayer, or some type of rankings system in the new BT3?
Yes. The On Line battle system will be feature onn Wii version. The player will be able to battle othersvia WWi-Fi connection.
Again we'd like to thank NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc., Spike, and Atari for making this interview possible, and we look forward to hearing more about this exciting installment of Dragon Ball Z.
It’s my pleasure to answer your questions! Please wait for another 2 months and see how good the game is!!